A frozen Wonderland

Photo: Magnus Åkerblom-Wiker
Since those days in Mexico during the summer, my relationship to water has really shifted. I used to dream about the big oceans and the sense of infinity, while being carried by the waves and held by the under water currents. Diving in the Mexican fresh water caves did something else to that view. I have never in my life hesitated about going into the water and descending down, since I usually feel it is safer down there than on any boat. However, sensing that resistance, overcoming it and slowly exploring a new place on earth, where the water is completely still and unbelievably clear, opened a door to the Wonderland world. I think overhead environments do things to us. Underwater ceilings might be threatening, until you start view it with the same mindset as you think of it in your home. You are covered and it feels safe. The ocean is freedom (and will always be), but the caves create a psychological sense of security. At least after a while... And after watching loads of youtube movies about cave diving for a few months, I have just transferred into clips about free diving under ice. Have a look! The frozen underwater world is beautiful. It looks so safe and quiet down there...


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